No Contact/ Curbside pick-up:
1. Park parallel to the cones placed next to the curb.
2. Call us at 206-587-0570 ;
please provide description of car make/ model/ color
3. Provide confirmation email & pop your trunk for us so we can deliver items!
we kindly ask for patience as wait times may vary; we’re short staffed during Covid-19 and doing our best to dispatch purchases.
When shopping or ordering on-site, please remember:
Face masks and social distancing are required while shopping and picking up orders in store. King County's current guidelines can be found here.
SPS will not be accepting cash or checks
SPS will only allow a limited number of people in the store at one time
we ask that every customer limits the items that they touch to eliminate any contamination
Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance
- SPS maintains the right to refuse service to any customer showing symptoms of COVID-19
Products not in stock can be ordered in-store and we will contact you as soon your items are ready for curbside pickup.
Firing services are currently available.
- Firing lead time is currently 7-10 business days.
- Pieces may be dropped off and picked up in-store during retail hours.
- You will receive an email when your pieces are ready to be picked up.
If you or anyone in your household is sick, Please Stay Home.
Due to changes in our daily operations, expect longer delays for order processing & shipping. We are short staffed on-site & some are working from home. We are offering as many services as we are able to under current restrictions, and will continue to post updates on any changes in our operations.
We appreciate your understanding, we're grateful for your business!
If you have questions, we invite you to reach out:
(206) 587-0570
Shopping during COVID-19