SW001 - Stoneware Clear

SKU: SW001P Brand: Mayco    


SW001P 1 Pint 36 in stock While supplies last $13.00
SW001G 1 Gallon Out of Stock Please call $48.00

*Back orders will be placed for order quantities exceeding that of on-hand inventory.

Cone 6: (1st image) Mayco’s Cone 6 Clear glaze adds a brilliantly clear, smooth gloss finish to your work. Perfect for stoneware and porcelain bodies, one to two to coats is all that is needed.

Cone 10: (2nd image) No Change.

TIP: Heavy application may increase the incidence of crazing. Reduce the amount of glaze deposited by loading your brush less heavily or decrease the number of brushing coats applied.

Stoneware Clear Glazes will preserve and enhance the surface of your work.