Iron Oxide, Red 98% #Ra14/Hr1203

SKU: 72323-1LB Brand: Seattle Pottery Supply    


72323-1LB 1# Bag 8 in stock While supplies last $17.37
72323-1/2LB 1/2# Bag 7 in stock While supplies last $10.30
72323-10LB 10# Bag 2 in stock While supplies last $106.38
72323-25LB 25# Bag Out of Stock Please call $243.31
72323-5LB 5# Bag 4 in stock While supplies last $59.33
72323-50LB 50# Bag 49 in stock While supplies last $450.00

*Back orders will be placed for order quantities exceeding that of on-hand inventory.

This product is a synthetic red iron oxide pigment at 98% concentration. It can be added to clays and glazes as a source of iron.