Masonite Bats

SKU: 42066 Brand: StudioPro    


42065 12" Out of Stock Please call $5.45
42066 14" 31 in stock While supplies last $7.15
42067 15" 16 in stock While supplies last $8.15
42068 9" - Square 2 in stock While supplies last $5.35

*Back orders will be placed for order quantities exceeding that of on-hand inventory.

They are our most affordable bats, yet made from the finest quality tempered hardboard available. Unlike it's Masonite predecessor, our tempered hardboard has no added formaldehyde. StudioProTempered Hardboard Bats are slightly absorbent for good clay adhesion and bottom drying. They are compact and easy to store and will last many years if cared for properly. Hardboard bats are a great choice for the professional or hobbyist potter who uses many bats and has a controlled studio setting.