Orton Vent Master Kiln Vent

SKU: 31488 Brand: Orton    


31488 Vent Master 4 in stock While supplies last $705.00
M9VMEK Expansion Kit 2 in stock While supplies last $263.63

*Back orders will be placed for order quantities exceeding that of on-hand inventory.

Orton's Vent Master is an exhaust system for your electric kiln.
It is a universal fit and will work with all kilns.

With a Vent Master Expansion Kit the Vent master unit is capable of venting two kilns simultaneously and is even more simple to install.

Installation is simple!
The Vent Master comes with a drill bit to drill a hole from the interior through the kiln brick and exterior. The hardware is then inserted through the wall of the kiln and tightened to the hose on the outer side of the kiln. Can be installed on a flat surface on the bottom or side of your kiln.