Kaolin (Epk)

SKU: 71081-1LB Brand: Seattle Pottery Supply    


71081-1LB 1# Bag 7 in stock Available $5.50
71081-5LB 5# Bag 1 in stock While supplies last $7.50
71081-10LB 10# Bag 1 in stock While supplies last $12.50
71081-25LB 25# Bag 2 in stock While supplies last $25.50
71081-50LB 50# Bag 371 in stock While supplies last $40.00

*Back orders will be placed for order quantities exceeding that of on-hand inventory.

EPK Kaolin is a unique, high quality, water washed, ceramic kaolin which offers very white fired color, unusually good forming characteristics and high green strength. In glazes, EPK offers excellent suspension capabilities and uncommon cleanliness. WARNING:The product contains free Silica (Quartz). Repeated and prolonged inhalation of dust in excess of TLV-TWA may cause delayed lung injury (Silicosis). Follow applicable OSHA, MSHA, or NIOSH standards for Crystalline Silica (Quartz), IARC has classified Crystalline Silica in Group 2A of Probable Carcinogens based on limited evidence for the carcinogenicity of Crystalline Silica to humans- The National Toxicology Program has listed crystalline silica (respirable) as a substance which may reasonably be anticipated to be a carcinogen.