Refills for Axner Underglaze Pens

SKU: 28500R Brand: Axner    


28500R Black 5 in stock While supplies last $11.29
28515R Blue Green Out of Stock Please call $11.25
28526R Bright Orange 3 in stock While supplies last $11.25
28524R Light Pink Out of Stock Please call $11.25
28509R Light Yellow 2 in stock While supplies last $11.25
28504R Mahogany Out of Stock Please call $11.25
28521R Maroon Out of Stock Please call $11.25
28525R Red Out of Stock Please call $11.25
28508R Rose Out of Stock Please call $11.25

*Back orders will be placed for order quantities exceeding that of on-hand inventory.



Axner Underglaze Refills go into Axner Underglaze Pens. The product was developed for cone 05 and 06 firings, and most of the colors do quite well at much higher temperatures. Manufacturer testing has yielded the following results:

  • Cone 06 - 04: All colors remain strong and vibrant
  • Cone 6: Most colors remain strong and vibrant. Exceptions: Chartreuse, Light Yellow, and Light Pink are weak. Greens, Peach Sun, and Purple Maroon change color somewhat.
  • Cone 10: Same as cone 6 with the following exceptions: Chartreuse, Peach, and Light Pink completely disappear.

Note: Only food safe if a food-safe clear glaze is applied over these underglazes.

We also have the pens that accept these refills.